
B.Ed. Programme 
Programme Transaction: The B.Ed. Programme involves lectures, discussions, tutorials, school-based experiences, work experience, psychology practicals, visual education, EPC, co-curricular activities, and physical education. One significant component of the programme is the School Experience Programme (SEP), organised in various schools in Delhi.

The working hours are from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (Monday to Saturday). All students are expected to remain for the entire day. During SEP days, all students are expected to be in the school for the entire duration of the school hours.

Medium of Instruction and Examination:
For Courses I, II, & III, the medium of instruction can be either Hindi or English as per the candidate's option. For Courses IV & V, facilities exist for instruction in a bilingual mode, except for Methodology of Teaching Languages (offered as options under Course IV).

The medium of examination is either English or Hindi for all the courses. Therefore, a candidate should use the same medium for all the examinations.

Students are expected to attend classes and other activities regularly. Under unavoidable circumstances, prior permission for leave is essential. Leave applications should be addressed to the Head of the Department/Principal after the concerned Tutor or School Supervisor has recommended the same.

University rules require a minimum of 75% attendance in theory, practicals, tutorials and other activities.

M.Ed. Programme

Programme Transaction:
The M.Ed. Programme involves lectures, discussions, practicum, sessional tasks and seminars.

The working hours are from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm (Monday to Saturday). All M.Ed. students are expected to remain at the CIE during these hours.

Medium of Instruction and Examination:
The medium of instruction for M.Ed. teaching is English. The medium of examination can be either English or Hindi, depending upon the student's choice. However, the medium of instruction chosen by a student cannot be changed from one paper to another; it should be the same for the entire examination, including the dissertation.

Students are expected to attend classes and other institutional activities regularly. Under unavoidable circumstances, prior permission for leave, which is essential, may be granted. Leave applications should be addressed to the Head of the Department after the coordinator of the M.Ed. has recommended the same. Programme. Evidence of satisfactory progress regularly in dissertation work is an essential requirement in the absence of which the M.Ed. Committee is empowered to take appropriate action.