ITEP (4 Years Teacher Education Programme) - 2023
Introduction 4 Year Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP)
The Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP), is a four-year degree programme offered at the tertiary level. It is founded on the vision of NEP 2020, exemplifying the processof developing a multidisciplinary approach to learning in higher education. The program aims at preparing teachers for the Foundational, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary stages as per the new school structure of NEP2020. It aspires that young adults with deep desire and dreams to be school teachers will enter the programme after completing school education. The programme offers a degree with double majors. It means that the students can pursue all the pathways associated with each major studied during this programme. The programme ensures students’ progress in every sphere along with providing a firm grounding in comprehending the intersectionality across both, the liberal and the professional discipline. With the vision and design the programme promises to change the landscape of teacher preparation in India.